+3 votes

4 Answers

+3 votes

I have never tried to create business. Maybe, I will create it but I need money. I found a job in a security agency. They will invite me to training and I will have exam for licence. Then, I will work.

+3 votes

Yes, I bought out the previous owner of the shop I had and increased volume and quality. Made good money there and retired early after selling it off.


Well good for you I'm glad for you. Hope you made a killing.:)

+3 votes

Nah, just a lemonade stand on the sidewalk when I was little.

I think I cleared about 20c in profits. :D


LOL not quite what I had in mind.

But good for you, I'll take a large lemonade please thank you

Also Thank you for your answer

+2 votes

No..although I wish I had.


Sorry about that, buy try again

Thank you for answer

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