+6 votes
in Food & Drink by

9 Answers

+6 votes
since i live with a family that eat mostly vegatarian food... the worst meal i've had was this fake meat stuff.. ewww... it was the nastiest thing ever.. i almost puked.
Quorn ?

Those veggie dogs?

I did eat them, they didn't taste bad to me, but I don't think my body can handle them, anymore.

+6 votes
I had a chicken salad sandwich in a restaurant in Montreal. It tasted ok, but it must have been spoiled, because I got sick and threw up all night. Worst food poisoning I ever had. :-/
+3 votes
My Nan made me Tripe once and I nearly puked , it was so bad.

Oh and I can't eat Crab after running into a very Grumpy one , gave me Food Poisoning for almost a week

never been so ill and never been able to eat Shell Fish since.
+2 votes
One of my worst meals have been a tomato soup in school.

I love Tomato Soup, they must have made it wrong. 

+2 votes

Some Vietnamese restaurant in California.  

+2 votes

Anything with onions in it is a deal breaker.

+1 vote

My worst meal was beef patties with raw garlic pieces inside.

+1 vote

This Asian fusion garbage with Tempeh and Tofu and some awful Chinese vegetables.   It was disgusting.

0 votes
As far as I can remember, it was mushroom soup at Camp Easter Seal. That was nasty. And that once every or almost every year that I went there.

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