+9 votes
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I did!  When I moved to Phoenix, there was one in the draining system in my swimming pool.  I shuddered when I saw it coiled and it was still alive.  Thank goodness it was just a garter snake.

11 Answers

+6 votes

I was playing golf in Portugal and went into some trees to get my ball and there was a snake there...don't know the type..

+9 votes

I live in Australia and most days walk my dog in the bush.


+7 votes

I've seen plenty in my area, not too many poisonous species are around here though.

+5 votes

just your typical garden snake... when i lived in Saskatchewan there was a garden snake nest in the acre of land my parents and i had.. sadly. i ran over a snake with the lawnmower :( the grass was really thick and a bit tall and i didn't see it.

+8 votes

Yes, I almost stepped on one once. I had a summer job, and was walking home, while looking through some mail so I didn't pay attention to the road in front of me until the snake raised it's head in a sudden move.

We studied each other for about a minute before I made a respectful circle around it.

+5 votes

Yeah but they have been  mostly  been harmless copper snakes.

+4 votes

Yes... I almost stepped on a five foot black snake once, that's the closest I've ever been to having the crap scared out of me ( literally). :(

+4 votes

I saw a snake on our back patio once. It was small and black and white striped. Pretty freaky because I almost stepped on it -_-

+3 votes

I grew up in the country, so I've seen a lot of snakes.  They're pretty commonplace.

+2 votes

Yes, I saw snakes some times.

Once, I was on holiday and walking on a small garden path, and right on one of the ancient stone stairs, there was a rather big snake taking a sunbath, probably an Aesculapian snake (from the family of the Culubridae). It is a protected species and nonvenomous. But till my camera was ready, the snake had disappeared in the bushes. One or two days later, I found the exuvia.

Furthermore, I had the occasion to see various snakes in vivaria, zoos, animal presentations, etc., but also dead snakes, killed by road traffic.

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