+4 votes
in Education ✍ by



8 Answers

+2 votes
yes, by

I felt happier more than a half year ago before I ended my school. I just felt like 3 years on that school wasn't enough and that there need to be one more extra year.

+4 votes
+3 votes
no, by

No......it continues to be a full immersion event

+2 votes
yes, by

Yes, sometimes. It was mostly great fun.

+1 vote
yes, by

I still have dreams where I am back in school.

+3 votes
no, by

You couldn't pay me to go back to high school.  Elementary school, maybe, if napping and snacks are still a thing, but otherwise, no.

What about college then?
I didn't go to college.  I spent all four years of high school being bored out of my mind, so I couldn't feature paying someone to bore me.  I joined the Army instead and then went straight into the workforce when I got out.  I've never had the desire to get a college degree and I haven't needed one to find good-paying work.
+2 votes
undecided, by

Not so much school, but I miss being that young boy I used to be.  God...would I love to go back to my childhood days again.

+1 vote
no, by

I'm still in school, and there is nothing to miss

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