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4 Answers

+1 vote

NOBODY liked Hyacinth. That was the whole point. She was like Frank Burns in MASH: she was somebody we all loved to hate.

But the final episode was one that hit a spot with me. Not only did she forget herself and call her husband Richard Bucket (rhyming with suck it) but the final line of the series came from Onslow who, having won a trip on the QEII with our Daisy, was told he was eating at the captain's table. "Nice, he said. "You win a  trip and you have to eat with the crew."


Lol, I didn't see the last episode.  :-)

+1 vote

I liked Hyacinth.  She was also very funny.  She had a charming personality.

+1 vote

Yes, she was hilarious, as was her poor, henpecked husband.


I've known a couple of Hyacinths. They're as funny in real life as she was portrayed in the show. But Patricia Routledge who played the role was also an accomplished opera singer. Amazing woman.

0 votes

LOVE Hyacinth!

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