+4 votes
in Society & Culture by

Free Hug

I had given free hugs 0 votes
I had received free hugs 1 vote, 14%
I haven't given or received free hugs 4 votes, 57%
I won't give or receive free hugs 2 votes, 29%

8 Answers

+3 votes
I haven't given or received free hugs, by

But I could do both of them.

+3 votes
I had received free hugs, by

I have given and received free hugs. I've never actually paid for a hug, but yes, I've had hugs that were exclusively noted to be free of cost.

+4 votes

Sure. Why not? Furthermore, I am an authority on the subject.

Did you know there are several types of hug?
The A-Frame hug is for shy people. They stand well back from each other, lean forward till they touch only at about neck height, and support themselves with a hand on each other's upper arms.
The normal hug is much friendlier and is the one you'll see when two people meet in public and are pleased to see each other.
But my favourite is the bear hug. This one is done completely naked and should really be spelt bare hug. That one has been known to produce lots of little Didges.
But hugging should not be done haphazardly. You must observe the etiquette. Keep in mind that it is considered extremely bad manners to be the first person to let go.


Good to know!


But Didge, there may be reasons other than shyness for using the A-Frame, or perhaps better put, a certain... um... form of shyness.  :)

The "A-Frame" might well be applied

By a bloke who has something to hide.

If the lad's adolescent,

And waxes tumescent,

He'll use it to salvage his pride.


Oh, well said, Tink. I'd forgotten about some of those tender teenage moments when we used to spend our Saturday nights ballroom dancing. :(

+3 votes

Sure, I do both. I'm a big hugger. I hug everyone!

+1 vote
I haven't given or received free hugs, by

I've given and received hugs, but not like in the picture you posted.

0 votes
I haven't given or received free hugs, by
I haven't hugged a stranger before.
0 votes
I haven't given or received free hugs, by

i love hugs but not from strangers (unless i like their presence). mostly just people i know.

0 votes
I won't give or receive free hugs, by

I've always had to pay for mine.... So fair is fair. Hugs are expensive.

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