+3 votes
in Fun & Humor ☻ by


3 Answers

+4 votes

Gossip, huh? Yeah, I've got some good stuff. Pull up a chair and I'll share it with you.

I went to the xxxx the other day and I bumped into xxxx and you're not going to believe it but he was with xxxx. Now, I'm not old fashioned, but honestly, XXXX? C'mon, did they think nobody would notice? They were xxxx like a couple of xxxx and didn't realise that their xxxx was filming them with her iPhone and we all know that SHE likes posting embarrassing stuff on her Facebook page. Oh boy, I can't wait to see how they react when everybody gets to see them xxxx together. I just love a good scandal, don't you?

If you like to fill in all the xxxx's with the names of some of your friends and whatever you imagine them doing  I'm sure that can generate some scandalous, even salacious, gossip.


lOl .. wow .. Sounds good your gOssip


Yes, Didge, in this age of smart phones, you just CAN'T be careful enough.  I mean, it's SUCH a pain going many miles out of town to where nobody knows you, just for an innocent little tryst!

+3 votes

I can't tell you.

It's too embarrassing.



lo,... why

0 votes

I am not keen on taking part in gossip, all the more that people I knew (and know) are too prompt with judging neighbours, colleagues, superiors, strangers, celebrities, friends, etc., according to external images and one-sided judgements, and spreading with delight more or less distorted stories about their private life.




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