+7 votes
in Fun & Humor ☻ by

13 Answers

+8 votes
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Nope ! I'm retired and dates don't mean a lot to me. I'm not into time, man.........Tommy Chong.

+6 votes
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Yeah I have a calendar with pictures of cats lol
+5 votes
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Yes, its a Playboy calendar dated 2003. Never got around to taking it down.
+7 votes
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Technically I have a calendar everywhere I go.
+3 votes
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+5 votes
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Nope. I have calendars in my kitchen and my office, not my bedroom.
+5 votes
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2016 is a leap year...At the end of the year, if you save your 2016 calendar for 28 more years, you can use it again in 2044.

Likewise in 2016, you can use a calendar from 1904, 1932, 1960 or 1988. (holidays could be different.)
+3 votes
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I do
+4 votes
Nope, I keep my calendar in the kitchen. :)
0 votes
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I have an At-a-Glance desk calendar in my bedroom.

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