+2 votes
in Food & Drink by

9 Answers

+2 votes
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+3 votes
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Yeah especielly if it´s fizzy water. I have been drinking flavoured fizzy water which had an icecream and a cookie flavour. But if it´s regular water I prefer it without flavour for the most of the time but I do like it.
+4 votes
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I love them! I almost can't drink just plain water.
+1 vote
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Yes. :)
yesh :p
+3 votes
Coffee, is my favorite flavor of water.

+3 votes
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No.... flavored waters tastes artificial to me.
+1 vote
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I prefer plain.

+1 vote
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Really it depends on the flavor :P And the amount of mixture.

0 votes
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It depends on the flavour.

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