+3 votes
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5 Answers

+5 votes

I haven't used it in quite a few months.  I still seem to be a member, since my avatar appears if I do a search on myself, but the last time I tried to log in, it said I need to email them.  No thanks.  :D

+4 votes

No, I did not have the occasion (or rather the time) to use it.

+3 votes

Yes, I use it now. I learned how to use the filters in the Activity area to screen out all the political junk and it isn't so bad now. I give it  a couple of hours in the early morning as I now have some friends there.

+3 votes

Yes, but i wouldn't say its my fave but its a nice site with good moderators. 

+2 votes

Nope , I got Banned , how is the upgrade ?


I just joined there at the end of December, so I couldn't tell you. It's not too bad and the politics have cut way down with a lot of blurtit members asking questions now. Many followed me there after the blurtit fiasco.


Am irite has gone Politics mad , used to be a community now it's the Left versus the Right 

and I'm in the middle losing my frickin Mind trying to tear them apart   lolz  it's all fun. 

I found answermug very confusing out in forum with all the numbers , it was hard to tell who was talking to who but I expect they changed that. 

always the risk that when a site changes hands , that Management won't have the same Passion for it's site and it's members. We watched that happen on Sodahead ,such a shame. 


Hello, Darkest Serenity! Nice to see you here after all this time!

Welcome back!


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