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in Politics & Government ✌ by

3 Answers

+1 vote

I don't know how great it is but it's interesting to see them stoop so low.


Yes I agree

+1 vote

Yes, yes it is I say yes it is. Makes me laugh my ass off.


I'm so glad we have Milo and Ben Shapiro. They're infiltrating these one-sided college campuses and giving voice to a few people that are sick of being blamed for everything. And now you're not even allowed to call wire connectors male and female. that's where that's what parents are spending their money on now a days nothing they can use when they get out of college just programming to talk robotically about the right in the horrible manner

+2 votes

Yes, it's satisfying to see Political Correctness fall flat on its face, but on the other hand, it's not healthy for a major political party to run so far off the rails of sanity.


How disturbing is it to see these idiots in crying safe spaces and dog petting therapy and marching with blacklivesmatter. The world is going to eat them alive when they get a taste of it. Sadly it's going to take years to deprogram them if you can at all thank you for your reply

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