+3 votes
in Fun & Humor ☻ by
Priest Hears Confession Using

A new priest in an Italian town is hearing confession for the first time.

One lady enters and confesses, "I cheat with Antonio, I cheat with Luchiano." He gives her penance and she leaves.
The next woman enters and confesses, "I cheat with Antonio, I cheat with Luchiano."
The next woman to confess says the same thing.

Finally the priest gets tired of hearing this and says. "I no like this, this cheat, cheat, cheat. Tell the women of the town from now on, no cheat, fall. 'I fall with Antonio, I fall with Luchiano.'

"From that day forward, all the women used 'fall' instead of 'cheat' when they were in the confessional.

After a few years, the priest left and a new priest came to the parish. The new priest did not know that the women used 'fall' instead of 'cheat'.

After hearing confession for three weeks, the priest went to the mayor of the town. "Mayor, I think you should do something about the sidewalks in the town, cause in confession, they all say they fall; there's people falling all over the place."

The mayor knew about the 'fall'-'cheat' thing so he assured the new priest, "Don't worry about it, it's really no problem at all."

"Sir, you SHOULD be worried about it," replied the priest, "Your wife fell four times this week!"


Link: http://www.jokelibrary.net/religion/c_Priest1.html#priest_and_the_rabbi_hear_confession

2 Answers

+3 votes



Lol - I hope this one is reassuring you: :angel::D:D:D!

+3 votes

Wait a minuteWhat happened to the Seal of the Confessional? :O

That priest should be defrocked!


Lol - T(h)ink, there was clearly a breaking of the secrecy, which is - normally - sanctioned with excommunication - though due to a big misunderstanding and also a former indiscretion:



I'd rather not add too saddening incidents ...




I see I was being too lenient with that priest.  :D


Lol - T(h)ink ...


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