+1 vote
in Fun & Humor ☻ by

On the day of the wedding, three friends of the groom decided they would sneak into the honeymoon cottage and rig up some practical jokes. One friend, a plumber, said he would arrange it so the faucet in the bathroom would spray water in the user's face. The second friend, a carpenter, said he would partially saw the bed frame, so that when the action got hot and heavy, the bed would break in half. The third friend, a pharmacist, declined to say what he would do, but promised it would be memorable.

The next morning, the three friends saw the groom as he left the cottage. They greeted him and asked him if he had had an exciting night.

"Oh, yes," said the groom, simmering with rage. "I can forgive having water squirt into my face, and I can forgive the bed breaking in half, but if I EVER find out who put novocain in the K-Y jelly, I'll beat him to a bloody pulp! "

3 Answers

+2 votes


+1 vote

Ha! Good one Tink! :D :D :D

+1 vote

That was a good one :)

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