+2 votes
in Security by

On many websites, I found dating scammers. They write after several messages they love me and ask for money. If they don't get what they want from  you, they block you and insult you. I learnt how I could recognize them and I block them. 

4 Answers

+4 votes
Best answer

Only one time I got somewhat involved with a lady online. Did dome investigating and found out she was married and lived in Canada. When I confronted her about that? Never heard a word again.

No, I may be friendly online but have no intention on getting involved with anyone online ever again. Big scam!

Besides, I like to meet a lady face to face and talk a while to see if we're on the same page.

+4 votes

No, I never dated online.


you should try it, you might get lucky and get me:P


An oversexed bounder from Essex

Said, "MORE sex is better than LESS sex."

Then he came and he groaned

And in ecstasy moaned,

And he sighed, "Oh my goodness, God BLESS sex."
+4 votes

Never been on any dating sites, so never been scammed...

+1 vote

Never used those sites.

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