+2 votes
in News & Informations ⌨ by

We spell mold 'mould' in Canada.

Anyways here's the news article:


2 Answers

+2 votes

Totally insane! We don't have much of a mold problem up here but almost all states(especially California) have laws and such that all of that stuff has to be fixed and sanitized before sale. Otherwise, it's a what you see is what is you get with the price adjusted accordingly.

+2 votes

$650,000 for that dump? :O

Is that area scheduled for gentrification, and the buyers had inside info on what the land would soon be worth? A number of insider speculators must have bid the price up.


I don't know, I don't live in that part of Canada. I live in Western Canada and like most countries some laws differ to place to place.


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