+6 votes
in Arts & Humanities by


Very strong 4 votes, 29%
Strong 0 votes
Pretty strong 4 votes, 29%
More neutral 4 votes, 29%
Undecided 2 votes, 14%

15 Answers

+5 votes
Pretty strong, by
Yeah my accent is less strong now atleast when I´m more used to speak in English. But you can clearly hear for the most of the time that I´m Swedish when I speak.
+6 votes
Very strong, by


mmmm lovely looking lips :)
+7 votes
More neutral, by
Some people I know on the East Coast tell me that I have a noticeable California/Los Angeles accent, but it's hard to describe. 
+7 votes
More neutral, by

I was born in Pennsylvania outside of Philadelphia in a rural area so I guess my accent is rural farm boy/Philly slang/Pennsylvania Dutch. "Yo!! I just bought me a Folksvagon wit my Weeza card."

Yes, Germans have a hard time pronouncing a V.

My grandfather from Germany would pronounce violin as "fiolin" or "wiolin". :-)
Yep. Fortunately, I don't have the accent but a few of my acquaintances have the "Dutchie" accent and we constantly make fun of them. They say things like zink for sink, ruff for roof, boughten for bought, etc.
You did that very well. I can imagine you talking like that. Sorta :)
Gimme a couple of beers Didge and I'll talk like Rocky Balboa.
Half your luck. Gimme a couple of beers and I can't talk at all. >:-/
I know what you mean!!
+6 votes
Very strong, by

Very English as I'm English ..hehe

+9 votes

Well, if I let my own accent go as it wants, it can be pretty strong.

If I'm meeting someone new or working, I have no regionalism.

If I'm tired, ye cain't get no more Southern then me.

+5 votes
Pretty strong, by

Some people here in Arizona can tell that I have an accent that stems from the Mid-Atlantic States.

+7 votes
Pretty strong, by

I'm an Australian. Of course I have an accent. It's not too broad but it's most definitely there.

I did a breakfast program on community radio for a couple of years and cleaned up the accent as much as I could. That was my bullshit voice. It was probably neutral.

+6 votes
Very strong, by

Born and Raised In The South Land 8-)image

+5 votes
More neutral, by

accent? what accent? I have no accent? everyone else has the accent... :P:D

Na, I don't think I have an accent really, if I spend much time around the southern accent, I can fake then listen to it, and sometimes fake it very very well.

Though when I went north, some realized some of my word choices were more southern words that they weren't used to hearing.

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