+2 votes
in Food & Drink by


4 Answers

+3 votes

Growing up the kids always had 3 meals and 3 snacks a day. So, they rarely asked. If they did ask, I knew they really needed or wanted it. So, depending on the food they usually got it.


Good answer.

+3 votes

If they're truly hungry and not just stalling because it's nearly bedtime, then yes.

We don't have set mealtimes.  If someone is hungry, they eat.

+2 votes

I was, and I did, but I also ran a schedule for meals and snacks, and I hardly ever got requests for food at other times.

0 votes

I am no parent, and if they are hungry of course I'll give them food, but if they just want to eat, and if I can tell they aren't hungry, I would say no. 

Joke (Pic of Dudley Dursley):


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