+3 votes
in Health by


5 Answers

+2 votes

About 1 - 1,5 litres per day (tap water, including beverages, like tea or coffee and fruit, and/or soup).


+2 votes

At least 32 ounces a day.

0 votes

Like two-four glasses.

0 votes

About 128 ounces of fluids per 24hour day between, milk, juice, water, gatoraid and tea.

To maintain hydration of a average individual they should drink half their body weight in liquids

Example: I'm 112 lbs so I need about 56 ounces or about 7 8oz glasses

If you work or have a active lifestyle where you lose a lot of fluids like I do, you need to drink your full body weight or more.

Don't just drink water or tea. It's vital to replace electrolytes that are flushed out of your system. Drink a combination of water/tea and juices throughout the day, or even gatoraid to help replace those electrolytes 


0 votes

I usually manage to get through two 20 oz bottles.

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