+1 vote
in Doubts by

Doesn't seem to make sense to me but maybe that's the way this site works. IDK !

2 Answers

+1 vote

I'm not quite sure what you mean


I see a person or persons ask a question and then I see the same person who asked it, then answers his/her own question. I've never seen that on any other site before.


just ignore it

+2 votes
I answer my own questions often since I just find them interesting and mostly I know I have an answer on it.

OK, I was just wondering as I've never seen that before. Been out of the country too long I guess ! :)



I praise you!  I do the same thing, too, because I will submit a question and no one answers it.  I'm not going to let the question just sit there without any answer.  After all, a question is submitted for ALL members to provide replies.


I see ! That makes sense.

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