+3 votes
in Fun & Humor ☻ by

Start watching at 0:30.  Sound familiar?  :) :angel: :) :D

3 Answers

+3 votes

Lol, it started with a different version of a joke, which I shared lately, and then with stories about making a choice, etc. - but wait a minute, the subtitles or texts of the sermon do not correspond to what the priest says; there seem to be quite a few misunderstandings or misinterpretations - lol.

I am not through yet, as I have a lot to do (I'll be back later).

Well, I know that I am sharing much about misunderstandings, especially at church, as it is too funny ...

+3 votes

Does kind of sound familiar I suppose. :D:D

+3 votes

Well clearly, it's the best introduction Bishop Sheen ever gave!

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