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2 Answers

+3 votes

Whenever someone asks a question about where one might go in a time machine I always say to the moment of  the creation of the Universe 

....because whatever you believe it must have started somehow...


But, but, but... there would be no space for you to occupy at that moment. :O

And it would be awfully hot. :O :O :O




Maybe you could watch the creation of our universe from another universe in the Multiverse.

After all, it is written, "In my Father's house are many mansions."

Many, but yet one. "Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is One."


The Shema Yisrael...sometimes I wonder if this prayer is what really changed WWII, the dying prayer of the 6 million.

+1 vote

Oh I love this graphic/gif, Tinker Bell under the tree and getting all philosophical...pondering creation via the Rig Veda...

The Sufis say that our question is its own answer; just the act of calling out, the very fact that we can yearn to know, that is itself the Beloved's answer to us. <3


Yes, Tink is kneeling under an apple tree in full bloom, and she feels the presence of the Beloved, but she is still puzzled.

Perhaps she should try a fig tree instead.  :) .


Fig tree, apple tree, cedar tree, Tinker Bell can just choose any tree she likes, and she will still get it all worked out... <3


<3 :)


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