+3 votes
in Science & Technology ⚡ by
Can you count how many galaxies are there in this small part of the sky including the dim ones in the distance? :O

I wonder how many planets in those galaxies have living things and what they look like and what happens if we get a chance to know about them. 


Image by NASA

2 Answers

+3 votes

"I wonder how many planets in those galaxies have living things and what they look like and what happens if we get a chance to know about them."

One thing we can know about possible living things in those distant galaxies:

they went extinct LONG before the Earth was formed.   :ermm:

"In my Father's house are many mansions."

Yep...but we can’t be the only life in the Universe.
Well, my speculations are more modest, let's say is there other technologically advanced life in our galaxy?

We really have no way of knowing what the odds are at this point, since we have only one sample to work with, namely us.

If the chances of a habitable planet developing a technological civilization are say, one in a trillion, then we are probably alone in the galaxy.


What if they are just like us, they can look but can't communicate!

And what if they still live underwater and don't have waterproof devices? :ermm:

Well, at this point we would have to look for other civilizations that can communicate, because we would be unlikely to be able to detect life forms on other stars that can't communicate in the foreseeable future.

+3 votes
I heard about it. I think that there are living beings on other planets but they could not be monsters from movies. They can be bacteria, insects, plants...

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