+3 votes
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Wikileaks has just released thousands of hacked CIA documents, revealing the CIA's own hacking methods.

The NY Times regards this as "a serious blow to the CIA..."


Serious indeed.

4 Answers

+3 votes

Some people know CIA methods. 

+3 votes

Or it could be the CIA has changed things, and allowed these documents to be hacked to throw people (other governments) off.


Let's hope, but I doubt they are that smart.

This looks like Snowden all over again, unless he was also a deliberate CIA operation.

+1 vote

The CIA is well known to leak false information so that the ones hacking it think they have gotten real info. But in this case? It's hard to tell. None of us ordinary citizens really know what the CIA does. They're very good with disinformation.


Well, the CIA missed predicting the collapse of the Soviet Union (!).


I have the distinct impression that American intelligence was a lot better in WW2, breaking Japanese codes and shortening the war, among other things.

+1 vote

If they are it certainly explains a great deal.


The entire Democratic party is infected with a virus including all government agencies and anybody else that wants us to be all good little worker bees. They actually sucked the humor out of most of the United States . but it's over for them . I would love to turn Rachel Mattox into a man for 5 minutes I wouldn't so much punch her in the face I would try to punch the wall through her face

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