+3 votes
in Websites by

I found atheistzone.com and registered. There are 600 users. I don't see spammers and trolls on Atheist Zone.

3 Answers

+4 votes

Dear Kninjanin,

No, I did not know there was an online social network for atheists...however in Iowa, where I lived for a time, there was a large organization of secular humanists, and they had a website. Also they posted their meetings and activities on a website called MEETUP.

+4 votes

I looked at the site, and it seems to have a lot of people who have had bad experiences with dogmatic religionists.

I hope they understand that atheists can be just as dogmatic in a political way, sometimes murderously so, e.g, the Kims of North Korea, Pol Pot, Mao, Stalin, and many smaller dictators of Eastern Europe.


It is true.

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