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in Fun & Humor ☻ by
Business Joke

When the office photo-copies began to look faint, the office manager called in a local repair service.

The friendly technician after inspecting the equipment, informed the manager that the machine was in need of a good cleaning. The tech suggested that someone might try reading the operator’s manual and perform the job themselves, since it would cost $100.00, if he did the work.

Pleasantly surprised by his candour, the office manager asks, “Does your boss know you are discouraging business?”

“Actually, my boss demands we explain this to all our customers”. “After people try first to fix things themselves, we end-up making much more money on repairs”.


Link: http://www.free-funny-jokes.com/funny-business-jokes.html

2 Answers

+3 votes
Best answer

Verpfuschte Reparatur:D

Bollixed repair:D


Lol, T(h)ink, I was suspecting something "less innocent" around "bollixed" (or bolloxed?) and checked:

http://www.dictionary.com/browse/bollix (etymology)




Now, there are several more or less popular, familiar or slanglike expressions besides "verpfuschen" and "pfuschen", namely "vermasseln" or (more musically) "vergeigen" - "take" or "make" your pick:









Marianne, bollix (or bollocks) is actually a word I learned online, and yes your links DO give the same origin I have learned...and a word it was great fun to learn!


Lol, Virginia - I must say that I am discovering a lot with all of you - and yes, I am learning further and deepening, as much as possible. Additionally, I had and still have to "update" and "revise" lots of formerly learned matters (or theories), as things and findings are changing and evolving.

And I am greatly inspired for looking into more details and relations, updates, evolutions and, especially, into the funny sides of interpretations and misinterpretations, and similarities, puns or contrasts with other languages. 



Marianne, your linguistic abilities are truly remarkable! Tink as well, and I envy that...even my small dabbling in other languages has shown that language affects your ways of thinking, the thought patterns. And we all need to keep our minds open and constantly learning new perspectives.


@ Marianne,

Lol. when I first heard 'bollix' as a child, I had no idea of its other connotations and just thought it sounded amusing, much as I thought 'verpfuschen' was amusing.  Likewise with 'botch'.


Virginia, thank you for your compliment; actually, it helped to have grown up in a country with four national languages - lol. Small dabbling? You are doing fine, and your linguistic abilities, your understanding are outstanding. :)<3


:silly:  :D  <3



+3 votes

This question reminds me of when I was an online PC tech! Had many people message me online about their attempts to fix something and made it worse. I always tried to guide them through the steps to fix something but usually had to take remote access to their unit and fix it for them.

So the last line there pretty much sums it up for many types of business. Especially automotive. The things I saw people do to their vehicles to save money usually wound up costing them more for us to fix them.

Very good and true business joke! More true than a joke! LOL  :D


Lol - yes, there is some truth behind many jokes, and I remember perfectly that we had also quite a few cases of this kind with the "Do It Yourself" trends.

I remember in particular our troubles with failing photocopying machines and the search for paper and pieces of paper stuck in the different mechanical parts.


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