+4 votes
in Fun & Humor ☻ by

A university student goes to his professor to complain that his exam grade was added up incorrectly; his total score was too low..

The professor looks at it and says, "Yes, you are right, my teaching assistant added up your exam numbers wrong and gave you too little credit. However, in looking over the records, I see the teaching assistant gave you too much credit on the exam previous to this one. Why didn't you call my attention to his mistake on that occasion?"

"Umm... well, Professor," stammered the student, "I was willing to overlook one error, but when it happened twice, I felt I had to say something."

4 Answers

+3 votes

Lol - a good one, T(h)ink.


+4 votes

I would have never done anything like that! Not me!!!!   :D  :angel:


They didn't call you Straight Arrow for nothing, Rooster.  :D

+4 votes

Lol ...



Wait a minute!

In that case, the student should have written 3i, or whatever his imaginary number was.


Lol, T(h)ink - actually, I couldn't find a better cartoon joke; I was also thinking that the student should have either written down his imaginary codes or better, used invisible ink (I would have opted for lemon) - but I would have expected the student to have written at least (or as much as possible) logical answers (or arguments) made invisible.



Yes, I remember, as children we would write invisible messages with lemon juice and make them appear by holding the message over a hot lamp.  :)


Lol, yes, I read about them, but at school by then, it was more about theory; there was not much time for experimenting.


+2 votes

Well THAT is thinking fast on your feet!

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