+3 votes
in Fun & Humor ☻ by

It has been a very slow day at the Pearly Gates, and St. Peter is just starting to doze off, when he is awakened by the appearance of a soul, fresh from Earth.  St. Peter asks his name and takes out the soul's folder from a bulging file cabinet.  After studying the file for a few minutes, St. Peter says, "Well, according to your record, you have been neither particularly good nor bad, so I'm not sure where to send you. Tell me, is there anything you can say about yourself that might help me come to a decision?"

The soul thinks a minute and then says, "Well, I was driving along in my car, when I saw a young lady whose car had broken down by the side of the road.  She was being harassed by a gang of bikers who had her surrounded and were about to tear off her clothes and have their way with her. Well, I screeched to a halt, jumped out of my car and approached the leader of the gang. He was a big brute, about 6'6", 300 pounds, bulging biceps and tattoos all over his body, but I didn't let that stop me. I marched right up to him, grabbed him by the lapels and told him if he and his gang of thugs didn't leave that young lady alone, they would have ME to deal with."

St. Peter says, "I'm deeply impressed... but I can't understand why such a brave and noble deed isn't in your file.  When did this happen?"

"Oh, about ten minutes ago."


3 Answers

+3 votes

Lol, T(h)ink, poor soul, somehow, the success story of "David against Goliath" seems to fail in present "history".



I think the soul in this history forgot to bring his slingshot.  :angel: :) :D


Lol, I am afraid that the poor soul forgot about every precaution, as he said that he marched right up to the big brute - too close to use a slingshot.

Maybe that he would have needed a bludgeon and Captain Caveman's elan ...




Or he might have taken a more modern page from Indiana Jones's book.  :)


Lol, T(h)ink, that's, of course, another idea.


+3 votes

Love it! LOL. :D :D :D :D

+2 votes

Other Tink, I almost don't even see this as a joke...I was just discussing with a close friend about 'moral courage,' and whether there is a responsibility we have to stand up for each other, and where that line is... :unsure:  


Yes, Virginia, even in hopeless situations, some heroes willingly become martyrs.  There can be great power in that.


Other Tink, I think it was Albert Camus...a great, great atheist...impressed me a great deal, anyway he said, "Anything worth living for is worth dying for."

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