+5 votes
in Miscellaneous ♑ by

so are you looking forward to looking like a hippy?


4 Answers

+5 votes

Tink as it happens, my hair was that length, and about that color, until I got tired of all the work and cut it off around age 32 I think! Good riddance I liked it while I was young but never missed it once it was gone.


Wowsers... down to your calves?  And I thought I was joking with the picture above! :O :D


Well...no, not down to my calves...just to my thighs! I was age ten when I stopped cutting it.

+5 votes

Well Sirfurryanimal, I used to live on Mt. Baker in Washington State, which meant I had to drive 35 miles to get a haircut...no patience for that...so I would just cut it myself!

And so I have been doing that now, too...people kinda choke as they tell me how nice it looks...but hey, 

"I do not mind it 

for I are behind it, 

the people in front get the jar!"

+3 votes

Naw, my wife cuts my hair just fine.

+1 vote

Nothing new for me. I got a really short haircut in Feb., so that should last a bit yet. Had long hair years ago and don't really mind.

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