+4 votes
in Music by

A German "march" from about 1910.

2 Answers

+2 votes

Heard a lot of marches in my days but wouldn't know the difference.


Listening to the posted song, it just struck me that in a regular march, the step is (left-right), (left-right)...

In this one, the step is (left-right-left), (right-left-right)... :D


Good point!

+2 votes

Only ones I remember were cadences.

I don't know but I've been told

Sergeant H. is getting old.

Them Sergeant stripes, they give him class

He just likes to kick our ass!

Heard that one a lot! :D


They're still singing about Sergeant H...

Sergeant H., he did retire,

Sits at home, beside the fire.

If you call, don't give him sass,

Cuz he still will kick your ass!

Sound off... :D

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