+5 votes

5 Answers

+4 votes


+3 votes

Tink, i copied this from the description YouTube so people could see more about her (Fairy Queen):

"This locomotive was built in England in 1855. It was placed in service by the East Indian Railway Company in West Bengal, where it hauled troop trains during the Indian Rebellion of 1857, and was withdrawn from service in 1909 and displayed on a pedestal in Howrah until 1943. Heritage status was accorded in 1972 and the locomotive was restored as an exhibit at the National Rail Museum in Delhi. Restored to full working order, in 1997 the Fairy Queen returned to commercial service for the first time in 88 years. It was certified by the Guinness Book of Records in 1998 as being the world's oldest one in regular operation."

I loved learning about this locomotive!


Indeed remarkable that such an old engine would be put in regular service, but I bet people love to ride that train. I know I would. :)

+3 votes

You sure that name is PC correct??? :D :D

Cool train!


I think that locomotive comes from a time when its name meant a genetically female queen of genetically female fairies. You know... the kind like Tinkerbell.  :) :D

+3 votes

Thanks Tink!  Oh, I would love to ride that train! 8-)


YW, Jan!  :)

+2 votes

They should have called it "Midnight Cowboy"! He was a fairy queen!


They might have, except he hadn't been born yet.  :D

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