+3 votes
in Politics & Government ✌ by

I have been reading about General Westmoreland (always wanted more troops, when might was not what was needed here?) and Henry Kissinger (operated on a cynical Prince Metternich pattern), Robert McNamara (Kennedy's Sec. of Defense, former CEO of FoMoCo, who tried to run the war on a business model), and I still don't feel I really understand what was going on. Has anyone here looked into this?

I am still looking at history to understand how the USA got into our difficult present-day situations.

2 Answers

+3 votes

I think one significant factor is that the South Vietnamese governments were too corrupt to inspire much confidence by the people of South Viet Nam. Also, the national hero, Ho Chi Minh, was from the north, the southern leaders were installed by France or the US.

Contrast that to Korea... the national hero, Syngman Rhee, was from the south, the northern leader Kim was installed by the Soviets.

But I think Rooster would know best, having served there and having seen the elephant up close, as they used to say in the Civil war.


ty Tink, comments well-thought-out as usual...and I did not realize some southern leaders were installed by France.

+3 votes

 A question I've not ever figured out. We all figured it was politicians war because of all the odd restrictions, like no fire zones, even though we were being fired at from there.

Lose? Not to any GI who was there. We generally kicked Charlie's butt every time we encountered him. We didn't lose that war, they wore down our weak politicians and they just said to walk away.

After 9 years in S.E. Asia, you get to know the ways of the people and I always thought the truth was that they actually didn't care whether we were there or not.

I would have thought we learned our lesson then but Asscrackistan proved me wrong.

Ask any Vet about why we "lost" and I'm sure you'll get a sarcastic answer.

We didn't lose, we walked away because some R.E.M.F. told us we had too.

That war didn't end in 75 when they said as I was still there till 79.


"Rear Echelon M.F."  A very apt GI expression, like SNAFU and FUBAR.


Thanks Rooster, I just walked around a bit thinking about your observations...some sorrow about my country, our country.

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