+2 votes

2 Answers

+5 votes

And only two of them are ever heard of....why I ask?


Good question!!!


Whaaat...? You never heard (for example) of Joseph Kishore, of the (Trotskyite) Socialist Equality party???

Neither did I. :D


Kanye West? I heard of him somewhere. Is he a singer?



+3 votes

There are not enough, Kninjanin...and I just read that 97% of voters will cast for one of the two major parties. Tweedledum and Tweedledee.


The trouble is, Virginia, one of the tweedles has a strong totalitarian element (moving toward the CCP model) that the aged Establishment types may not be able to control.


I am concerned that BOTH candidates do have that strong toxic element, Tink...although I did read (unreliable source, but sh/be easy to check) that only one of them is leaning toward mandatory COVID-19 vaccination...


Trump as an individual may have those leanings, but he will be gone in, at most, 4 years.

The Democrats, on the other hand, are moving in an organized way toward the creation of a one-party country, in control of opinion by censorship of the news and social media, and in bed with the corporate billionaires who finance the party (poor old millionaire Bernie notwithstanding). This is very much the Fascist model which China adopted, when they realized that Mao's and Lenin's ideas of state ownership didn't work.


Tink I would not disagree about the Dems...only I would differ in that I don't think there is any difference between D & R. The idea that there is a difference, is divisive (and delusional). Nothing personal I am sure you know...but the antipodal wild-eyed posturing of the two parties is, I think, just another way of dividing the common folk to control them (us).

Yup I am a bit cynical in my dotage...I hope you are correct that we could actually get somewhere by going Republican/conservative, but I think that is idealistic/unrealistic...red or blue, does not even matter now...little or no light visible separating them.

Again I would like to be wrong but I am worried.


I'm not saying that the Republicans wouldn't ever try to do what the Democrats are doing toward the creation of a one-party country, but just that the Democrats are much closer to achieving it at this point.

It is for that reason I think the Democrats and their radical elements must be stopped, if we want to preserve the two-party system. Yes, there are plenty of scoundrels in both parties, but at least they have to fear losing power if there is a second party of roughly equal strength.


I am coming more to think neither party is salvageable -- that somehow the way forward is something else, arising from below from small groups of good heart and integrity. Somehow non-violent, avoiding the bloodshed of rebellion, insurrection, revolution...again got that idea (about the futility of violence) from you and it is true.

But that is what I am very concerned we might be facing now...how to retrieve our democracy safely when both parties are equally destructive.

Sorry for the pessimism, I am concerned that may be our reality now.


But Virginia, my point is that we are very close to having a single unsalvageable party exclusively in power for the foreseeable future.

If Trump loses, then I think it is important that Republicans hold the Senate and/or regain the House. Two unsalvageable parties are better than one, especially if the one has a totalitarian bent.


Tink i was thinking about you as I made breakfast...how I treasure the conclusions of friends with whom I differ...your good heart, your intelligence beyond question...so I look for where the difference is, why am I still seeing something differently from these fine folk...a dear cousin is another who sees much like you...

I have to stay with my own (temporary, working) conclusions here...and I think you and I differ mostly because I have more life experience. But the cousin is older than me, not sure what is going on there we have been like sisters since I was born 76 years ago now...so I just listen to her a lot, as I do you too, actually...

...but I really really think that...

There are not two unsalvageable parties now, there is already only one...but it is masquerading as two...thereby keeping us divided against each other. And the totalitarian bent I really think is all-but-identical in both. 


"There are not two unsalvageable parties now, there is already only one...but it is masquerading as two..."

Ok, let's test that hypothesis. They may indeed both be unsalvageable, but they are not only one; their ideologies are different, and markedly so. They wouldn't make the same appointments to the Supreme Court, for example, and Democrats are much more likely than Republicans to stifle free speech, labeling dissenting opinion as "hate speech."

So my view is that if we have two unsalvageable parties, it's best to have them more or less equally matched in power, so that neither of them can fully advance its nefarious agenda, which ultimately is why I think the Constitution was framed the way it was.


N'kay Tink, I saw something just maybe Friday, helped me organize my thinking there...the (seemingly) significant differences in the ideologies of the two parties...so, huge relief to Republican, working-class base that Trump has nominated someone with good sense for SCOTUS.

I am not even interested enough to remember her name -- wasn't it Amy something? Anyway, she is safely for Right To Life, get rid of Roe v. Wade...she will respect the sanctity of the family, none of this LGBTQ nonsense...support for small businesses...on and on...values that REALLY matter, and obviously there is a REAL difference!

But these apparent *differences* are nothing but red herring -- because what they are all doing now, red and blue, hidden behind the smokescreen of this diverse ideology, all of them are shoveling the power and wealth into the totalitarian control of a very few. And then all these differences just won't matter, regime so totalitarian as to do whatever it wants. 

*  *  *

I saw one just yesterday; a celebration that Trump has come out in favor of optional COVID vaccination, Biden tending toward mandatory. "THIS MATTERS, it is one of MANY real diametric differences!"

Nope it's a red herring, keep us occupied at each others' throats...while behind the scenes, power is quietly transferred out of our hands by all of them red and blue. Then there can be no debate.

***Incidentally, the vaccination question is something I am re-thinking...as a former health care worker I had no doubts...now I am not so sure. I do know for certain I favor optional COVID vaccination.


"Nope it's a red herring, keep us occupied at each others' throats...while behind the scenes, power is quietly transferred out of our hands by all of them red and blue. Then there can be no debate."

Ok, let's assume that's true. But as long as we have two parties, they will slow each other down by fighting over the spoils. If one party takes over entirely, the theft of wealth and rights will proceed at a much faster pace, and we need the time for Cincinnatus to show up.


Oh Tink I loved that...yes, let us do what we must to slow the ravages of time in preparation for the arrival of Cincinnatus...

...and, I do see your point, ty, I will give it some pondering as I deal with the trauma of (finally) learning that we are NOT (sniff) liberty and justice for all...American Exceptionalism etc etc etc

...and maybe the conservatives are indeed less-worse than the liberals...my cousin thinks so...I would not want my daughter to marry either one of them though! :)  ;)


I agree 100%. Neither one of them is my idea of a gentleman. :sick:



Delightful...Tink these are Edward Lear/Ogden Nash calibre! Did you ever have a column, or publish 'em like they did? 



No, it's just a hobby. :)

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