+3 votes
in News & Informations ⌨ by

From past history in the USA, I think Tucker Carlson is crossing a line here, putting his own life in danger. People who say things like this tend to find themselves with a massive stroke, a fatal accident, or they suicide themselves out, or a robbery turns fatal as they walk along in Washington, DC neighborhood.

Or if all else fails, they get indicted under the Espionage Act.

Glenn Greenwald is in Brazil I think still, and having his own difficulties there. But Tucker Carlson is at home in the US, and this video of his has garnered a million-point-seven hits in just two days. I admire Tucker Carlson but I fear he is becoming "a threat to national security." At some point, we need to stand up for these folks to call out the facts as they find them, 

...how do we do that, keep them safe?

2 Answers

+2 votes

Well, for one thing, we can vote on Tuesday.  A favorable outcome would go a long way towards protecting Tucker.

Other than that, I hope he has good bodyguards.


I do hope he realizes he may need them...he's very bright, probably quite aware exactly what he is doing. As for me, when I watch MSM now (for something more than weather) it is usually FOX -- because of those two (Chris Wallace).

Late addition: Tink I just did some looking, and apparently Glenn Greenwald does have bodyguards...for more than one reason, as he has been calling out Bolsonaro. So it is virtually certain Carlson knows what he is doing here.


No doubt. Tucker has already mentioned on his show that he has received threats.

As I have mentioned before, Fox is the only American MSM outlet that is even remotely balanced, in that it does report news and opinions that are contrary to the party line,be it right or left.

+2 votes

I do not know him well but I will find him on Internet.


Hi Kninjanin, thank you, in the USA now there is a very tragic situation -- journalists and others are getting threatened, prosecuted, even assassinated for reporting facts as they find them. This man, Tucker Carlson, is a journalist/commentator on a major news network.

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