+5 votes
in Politics & Government ✌ by

5 Answers

+3 votes

Never use Twitter but I guess the time for censorship has begun in earnest!

+4 votes

It's high time anti-trust laws were brought to bear against monopolies like Google, Twitter, Amazon, etc.

+3 votes

That’s all the fun gone...

+3 votes

I do not use Twitter anymore.


I never used Twitter at all. Or Facebook.

+1 vote

I am very concerned over that...see Rooster's post.


Yes, indeed... and the specious argument we hear from Democrats is that these companies can do what they want, because they are private; they aren't preventing people from speaking in the public square.

Of course, what that argument overlooks is that these companies have BECOME the public square, and so need to be regulated for equal access.


Yes truly so..."overlooks is that these companies have BECOME the public square"...I am concerned, because this is actually one definition of fascism, gov taken over by special interest cabal. 

I have been learning that irregardless of the voting outcome, during the campaign Trump was deeply consistently trashed by MSM, while Biden's 'irregularities' were hushed up. And with Assange languishing in Belmarsh, any real investigative journalism is suppressed anyway. (Although I see occasionally that TC is still at his interesting stuff!)

Totally a guess but I speculate that, still, Trump DID win; among his many falsehoods, this one prolly actually true, he did win.

Now Trump is demonized, along with name-calling the Jan 6 folks "treasonous MAGAts;" hounding them as domestic terrorists instead of looking into election reform and the deeper reasons for why people are taking to the streets.

You were the one who first pointed out for me that violence just does not work; so here in small town I have been doing what I can to cultivate the "gift economy," we the Great Unwashed to just build our human connections -- along with our locally derived and interconnected economies -- from below...stabilizing our whole nation, antidote the tendency toward violence.

So I may continue to disappear occasionally, Tink, special projects along with lots of prayer/meditation.


The American MSM are totally corrupt... no more worthy of trust (or respect) than Pravda.

And yes, there is plenty of circumstantial evidence that mail-in ballots were not properly screened for fraud, voter id, etc. Thorough audits need to be done, but of course this certainly will not happen at the federal level. The only hope is that Republican legislatures will conduct investigations at the state level, or at least pass laws requiring MUCH more stringent vetting of ballots.

Keep up your good work, Virginia... maybe YOU are Cincinnatus!

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