+3 votes
in Movies by

As one totally interested in history, and the style of the 19th century, Downton Abbey was right up my alley.  Before the first movie came out, I elected to take a bus to Boston to view the roving Downton Abbey display and it was worth it-----at least to me.

With that said, and after the success of the subsequent first movie that came out following the series, I have read that, they are now in pre-production for the second film, and all of the main characters seemed to have cleared their collective tables of any commitments to do it again.  The release date is for Christmas 2021.  I'm looking forward to it.  In a world gone amok on so many fronts, particularly here in the U.S. I am looking forward to a temporary escape if only for an hour or two.

4 Answers

+3 votes

Yes....I never watched an episode.i should.

+3 votes

Not familiar with Downtown Abbey, Freeranger...but based on what you and SFA have posted, I am thinking to see if YouTube has the series!


It was very popular here on a Sunday evening...


I am guessing it might be British humour? Truly a genre all unto its own!


Deadly serious......period drama.

But for comedy try and find Upstart Crow starring Shakespeare

I love that show.


Appreciated, SFA!

+3 votes

I enjoyed the series.  Still watch on occasion, as the reruns air on local PBS stations.  Charming! :)

+1 vote

Never watched it, though I should have.

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