+8 votes
in Food & Drink by
I'm in the mood for some bacon :)

No meats for me
No pork for me
No bacon for me
Bacons is alright
I enjoy bacon from time to time
I really like Bacons
I love bacon

13 Answers

+6 votes
I enjoy bacon from time to time, by

But It's something I eat rarely and can live without.

+6 votes
I love bacon, by

But I only eat bacon about twice a month.

+7 votes
I love bacon, by

I love love bacon, I would eat it morning, noon and night if I could.

+6 votes
I love bacon, by

I love bacon about as much as breathing.

Do you mean you get as uncomfortable not eating bacon as when you hold your breath?
Breath in, breath out, eat bacon. Repeat.
But you breathe in and out while you're doing anything, not just eating bacon.

Oh, I get it. You start breathing heavily when you eat bacon.

Strange; it doesn't have that effect on me.
+5 votes
Bacons is alright, by

It's all right, but I'm not crazy about it.

I'll eat it several times a year, usually since it's already there in a hotel concierge breakfast.

+4 votes
No pork for me, by

i don't eat pork... because i think pork products are nasty, smells bad, and tastes atrocious

+4 votes
I love bacon, by

Bacon. Where is the Bacon!!image

+3 votes
I enjoy bacon from time to time, by

It's okay, but it's not one of my favorite foods like it seems to be for the whole internet. I think it's kind of overrated. 

+3 votes
I love bacon, by

My Girl refuses to eat it now since the Cancer Scare , so I've not had a Bacon sandwich for months :(  the Quality of my Life has diminished a little  lolz 

"My Girl refuses to eat (bacon) now" .... after reading that, my first thought was, ~ can we force feed it to her? Muhahahaaha ~

Then I read, ~since the Cancer Scare~ and I was like, WTH!!! When dat happen and what's going on, kind of like that doggy you posted but more negative like :P :( :P

I hope everything is okay medically... and I so wish I could make you a bacon sandwich (and maybe secretly feed some to your dog/cat) :P
@ Zolfie   NO!   A Public Scare about Bacon , not a Personal Scare Thank God

C is now requesting Bacon sandwiches every week  oh lolz   She just bit her Cheek and says She's Bleeding to Death   XD  She's a Nut
mmmm bacon sandwiches :-)

some nuts are nice :)
+4 votes
I really like Bacons, by

I've said this before elsewhere, but to me, there is nothing better than a lazy weekend morning in which, I plug in my perculator, which dishes up perfect hot coffee....and the smell of bacon frying in the pan.  The combination of the two sends me back to growing up on the family farm.

it does sound pretty awesome... of course I'd take some sweet southern tea over coffee :P but I know that's just me :)

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