+3 votes
in Websites by

4 Answers

+4 votes

Just one other than this one. All I have time for nowadays. Looked at a few but just don't have the time for any others. I'm happy here and there and that's all I need. I should join my friends site as he's worked hard on it but he understands why I just don't have time. You might want to take a look.


+4 votes

Just ami rite.com.

I used to be on SodaHead. :ermm:

+4 votes

Hi Kninjanin,

No right now I only come to this site. I can only do one at a time, really. I have tried Quora because my good friend is there, but they use algorithms that collapse your answers and so about 40% of my answers were just going away...this site does not have that.

I was going to try Amirite, but then both Rooster and Tink mentioned problems they were having there...

So for now anyway, I just stay here on IHaveSolved.

+3 votes

I mainly use Am i rite . com, Yahoo answers, and answermug . com , and very rarely this site, 

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