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7 Answers

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No, I've never read a book that had that effect.

+5 votes

No, but I've read a few that were so enjoyable that anything I started immediately after finishing was going to feel a bit flat. A good writer can do that to you.

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When I read "The Exorcist," I had to put the book down and gain composure after reading about a horrible scene involving Regan.  

+2 votes
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Not quite.

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However, there WAS one that, sort of changed, in some muted way, how I contemplated life.

It was my first awakening to the "what if" scenario ha, ha!

The book was, "Island of the Blue Dolphin."  Heady shizz for a kid.

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Dear DoctorWho,

Yes, and I will never forget...I was perhaps thirteen when I took on Fyodor Dostoyevsky CRIME AND PUNISHMENT. Deep depression for a month, maybe...later I learned about the philosophy of existentialism, and Dostoyevsky's contribution to that.

So around age 68 I tried again, this time his HOUSE OF THE DEAD...and by now I had some life experience as a context for his writing so I could appreciate the book without getting swept away.

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