+3 votes
in Fun & Humor ☻ by
Main Vice President

Tom was so excited about his promotion to Vice President of the company he worked for and kept bragging about it to his wife for weeks on end.

Finally she couldn't take it any longer, and told him, "Listen, it means nothing, they even have a vice president of peas at the grocery store!".

"Really?" he said. Not sure if this was true or not, Tom decided to call the grocery store.
A clerk answers and Tom says "Can I please talk to the Vice President of peas?"

The clerk replies "Canned or frozen?"


Link: http://www.ahajokes.com/bus162.html

3 Answers

+3 votes

Wait a minute!

The clerk forgot the VP of dried peas:O


Lol, T(h)ink - that is also an idea.


+3 votes

Does chickpeas count too? LOL :D :D:D


Lol, of course, Rooster; they are welcome to join the fun.



- for T(h)ink:


- for all who are interested:

Origin of name: https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/cicer

Confusions with other roots:





LOL, thank you, Marianne.

I hadn't heard the slang meaning of 'cicer' before.
Was Cicero the Bill Clinton of his time?  :D

Lol, T(h)ink, no, I don't think so; he was more known for honesty and integrity.

His name came probably from ancestors in his family, who traded with chickpeas, and similar vegetables or crops, though Plutarch explained that an ancestor of Cicero had a cleft in the tip of his nose resembling a chickpea.

And yes, besides his linguistical and philosophical skills, he was also a brilliant lawyer, oratorian and politician.

+3 votes

Good morning Marianne, I like the peas fresh from the garden!


Lol, Virginia - good morning to you - it is nearly half past five p.m. here.

That is indeed an argument; fresh vegetables from the garden are indeed the very best.


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